Kolekcje książek

Biblioteka Wydziału Mechanicznego Energetyki i Lotnictwa wzbogaciła się w część księgozbioru prof. Charlesa Williama Kauffmana z Departamentu Lotniczo-Kosmicznego Uniwersytetu Michigan w Ann Arbor.

Książki otrzymaliśmy dzięki uprzejmości Pani Profesor Carol Kauffman, żony zmarłego profesora oraz staraniom Pana Profesora Piotra Wolańskiego, Pana Profesora Radosława Michałowskiego i Fundacji Dekabana.

Księgozbiór obejmuje wydawnictwa z zakresu lotnictwa i kosmonautyki, napędów lotniczych i rakietowych oraz spalania i wybuchowości.

Profesor Charles William Kauffman na Uniwersytecie Michigan prowadził wykłady z zakresu spalania, wybuchów, projektowania samolotów oraz kierował wieloma programami badawczymi z zakresu spalania. Wiedza i doświadczenie profesora Kauffmana w zakresie projektowania samolotów sprawiły, że był cenionym ekspertem od katastrof lotniczych. Współpracował z Federalną Administracją Lotniczą w temacie zapobiegania wybuchom paliwa w zbiornikach samolotów.

Podczas swojej pierwszej wizyty w Polsce w 1972 roku, profesor Kauffman nawiązał bliższą współpracę z Zakładem Silników Lotniczych Instytutu Techniki Cieplnej Wydziału MEiL Politechniki Warszawskiej. Profesor C.W. Kauffman często przyjeżdżał do Polski na międzynarodowe konferencje z zakresu spalania i wybuchowości, a prof. P. Wolański i prof. R. Klemens wyjeżdżali na staże naukowe na Uniwersytecie Michigan w Anna Arbor. Ta współpraca zaowocowała uzyskaniem licznych grantów z USA koordynowanych przez prof. Wolańskiego. Profesor Wolański z profesorem Kauffmanem współpracował od 1979 roku. Do 1995 roku napisał z prof. Kauffmanem 17 artykułów.

W uroczystości przekazania części księgozbioru prof. Kauffmana wzięli udział m.in.: Prorektor ds. Nauki, prof. dr hab. Rajmund Bacewicz, Dyrektor Biblioteki Głównej PW, mgr Alicja Portacha oraz Dziekan Wydziału MEiL, prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Frączek oraz grono pracowników Wydziału.


Wykaz księgozbioru prof. Charlesa Williama Kauffmana przekazanego do Biblioteki Wydziału MEiL PW
Lp. Autor Tytuł Rok wydania
1 W. H. Riedel, J. C. Kelly Rocket Develoment with Liquid Propellants 2005
2 Boris Chertok Rockets and People 2005
3 Boris Chertok, Asif Siddiqi Rockets and People: Creating a Rocket Industry 2006
4 Mike Gruntman Intercept 1961: The Birth of Soviet Missle Defense 2015
5 Brian Harvey Russian Planetary Exploration: History, Develoment, Legacy and Prospects 2007
6 Brian Harvey Soviet and Russian Lunar Explorations 2007
7 Paul E. Ceruzzi Beyond the Limits. Flight Enters the Computer Age 1989
8 W. Austyn Mair, David L. Birdsall Aircraft Performance 1996
9 R. H. Barnard, D. R. Philpott Aircraft Flight. A Description of the Physical Principles of Aircraft Flight 1989
10 Milton O. Thompson, Neil Armstrong At the Edge of Space. The X-15 Flight Program 1992
11 Chris Carpenter Flightwise volume 2. Aircraft Stability and Control 1997
12 Thomas C. Corke Design of Aircraft 2003
13 Jay Miller Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works 1995
14 David J. Shayler Apollo. The Lost and Forgotten Missions 2002
15 Chris Carpenter Flightwise. Principles of Aircraft Flight 1996
16 Charles H. Gibbs-Smith Aviation. An Historical Survey from Its Origins to the End of World War II 1970
17 Edgar M.Cortright Apollo Expeditions to the Moon 1975
18 Aller Andrews The Flying Machine. Its Evolution Throurgh the Ages 1977
19 David M. Harland The Mir Space Station. A Precursor to Space Colonization 1997
20 Nicholas L. Johnson, David M. Rodvold Europe and Asia in Space 1993-1994 1995
21 Nicholas L. Johnson The Soviet Year in Space 1987 1988
22 Nicholas L. Johnson, David M. Rodvold Europe and Asia in Space 1991-1992 1993
23 Journal of Rhe British Interplanetary Society Space Chronicles: Soviet Space 2005
24 Journal of Rhe British Interplanetary Society Space Chronicles: Chinese Space 2004
25 Journal of Rhe British Interplanetary Society Space Chronicles: Soviet/CIS Space 2004
26 David Goodstein Out of Gas. The End of the Age of Oil 2004
27 Charles E. Dole Flight Theory and Aerodynamics. A Practical Guide for Operational Safety 1981
28 Roger Lawrence Wilkins Theoretical Evaluation of Chemical Propellants 1963
29 Theodore C. Lemoff National Fuel Gas Code Handbook 1999
30 J. V. Foa Elements of Flight Propulsion 1960
31 Jack Hayes Cutting Energy Costs 1980
32 Amory B. Lovins Soft Energy Paths. Towards a Durable Peace 1977
33 Robert Stobaugh, Daniel Yergin Energy Future. Report of The Enegy Project at the Harvard Business School 1979
34 Jeffrey L. Ethel Fuel Economy In Aviation 1983
35 Allen E. Fuhs, Marhsal Kingery Instrumentation for Airbreathing Propulsion 1974
36 Thomas R. Yechout, Steven L. Morris, David E. Bossert, Wayne F. Hallgren AIAA ES: Introduction to Aircraft Plight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability and Classical Feedback Control 2003
37 Steven A. Brandt, Randall J. Stiles, John J. Bertin, Ray Whitford AIAA ES: Instroduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective 1997
38 Lloyd R. Jenkinson, Paul Simpkin, Darren Rhodes AIAA ES: Civil Jet Aircraft Design 1999
39 Wiliam J. Walter Space Age 1992
40 Dale R. Reed, Darlene Lister Wingless Flight. The Lifting Body Story 1997
41 Nicholas Cumpsty Jet Propulsion. A simple guide to the Aerodynamic and Thermodynamic Design and Performance of Jet Engine 1997
42 Wiliam E. Burrows This New Ocean. The Story of the First Space Age 1998
43 Roger D. Launius, Dennis R. Jenkins To Reach the Higher Frontier. A History of U. S. Launch Vehicles 2002
44 Ron Miller, Arthur C. Clarke The Dream Machines. A Pictorial History of the Spaceship in Art, Science and Literature 1993
45 Russel J. Hannigan Spaceflight in the Era od Aero-Space Planes 1994
46 Asif A. Siddigi Deep Space Chronicles. A Chronology of Deep Space and Planetary Probes 1958-2000 2002
47 Paul W. Cooper Explosives Engineering 1996
48 Robert H. Cole Underwater Explosions 1965
49 John Bond     Sources of Ignition, Flamability Characteristics of Chemicals and Products 1991
50 John Naggy, Harry C. Verakis   Development and Control of Dust Explosions 1983
51 Gilbert F. Kinney, Kenneth J. Graham    Explosive Shocks in Air 1985
52 John Barton   Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection - a Practical Guide 2002
53 Rolf K. Eckhoff   Dust Explosions in the Process Industries 1997
54 P. Field;  (J.C. Williams and T. Allen - editors)   Handbook of Powder Technology - Dust Explosions 1982
55 W.E. Baker, J. J. Tang   Gas, Dust and Hybrid Explosions 1991
56 G.S. Biasutti    History of Accidents in the Explosives Industry 1985
57 R.J. Harris    The Investigation and Control of Gas Explosions in Buildings and Heating Plant 1983
58 H.J. Yallop   Explosion Investigation 1980
59 Cashdollar/Hertzberg - editors    Industrial Dust Explosions 1986
60 W. Bartknecht   Explosions - Course Prevention Protection 1981
61 Frank T. Bodurtha    Industrial Explosion Prevention and Protection 1980
62 D.A. Crowl, J.F. Louvar Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications 1990
63   Guidelines for Technical Management of Chemical Process Safety 1989
64 C.H. Johanson, P.A. Persson Detonics of High Explosives 1970
65 L. A. Medard    Accidental Explosions vol.1 physical and chemical properties 1989
66 W.E. Baker, et.al   Explosion hazards and Evaluation 1983
67 P.W. Cooper, S.R. Kurowski Introduction to the Technology of Explosives 1996
68 C. Thimmesh Teamoon, How 400,000 People Landed Apollo 11 on the Moon 2006
69 B.M. French, S.P. Maran - editors A Meeting with the Universe 1981
70 J. Miller The X-Planes, X-1 to X-31 1988
71 L.V. Schmidt AIAA_ES Introduction to Aircraft Fligt Dynamics 1998
72 R.M. Gordon The Space Shuttle Program - How NASA Lost its Way 2008
73 T.A. Happenheimer The Space Shuttle Decision 1965-1972 2002
74 T.A. Happenheimer The Space Shuttle Decision 1972-1981 2002
75 J.H. Terres How Birds Fly - Under the Water and through the Air 1968
76 F.J. Weinberg Combustion Institute European Symposium 1973 1973
77 J. Gleick Chaos Making a New Science 1987
78 K.K. Kuo, M. Summerfield Fundamentals os Solid-Propellant Combusion 1984
79 R.H. Graham SR-71 Revealed - the inside story 1996
80 W. Bartknecht Explosionen - Ablauf und Schutzmasnahmen 1980
81 T.R. Landis, D.R. Jenkins X-15 Photo Scrapbook 2003
82 D.R. Jenkins Space Shuttle The History of Developing the National Space Transportation System 1993
83 J.E. David Spies and Shuttles - NASA's Secret Relationship with the DoD and CIA 2015
84 H.C. Lowe Fluid Mechanics, Theory, Worked Examples and Problems 1979
85 J.P. Gostelow Cascade Aerodynamics 1984
86 H.C. Hottel, J.B. Howard New Energy Technology - Some Facts and Assessments 1971
87 J.E.A. John Gas Dynamics 1984
88 D.A. Reay The history of man-powered flight 1977
89 D.H. DeVorkin Science With A Vengence How the Military Created the US Space Sciences After WWII 1992
90 E.M. Emme - editor Two Hundred Years of Flight in America 1979
91 Bill Gunston World Encyclopedia of Aeroengines 1986
92 N. Chigier Energy, Combustion, and Environment 1981
93 J. Miller the X-Planes, X-1 to X-45 2001
94 Y. Gordon, D. Komissarov Mikoyan Mig-31 Interceptor 2015
95 B. Yenne Lockheed 1987
96 B. Sweetman Lockheed Stealth 2001
97 S. Dalton The Miracle of Flight 1999
98 D.R. Jenkins Hypersonic The Story of the North American X-15 2003
99 D. Donald - editor Tupolev Bombers 2002
100 B. Sweetman YF-22 and YF-23 Advanced Tactcal Fighters Stealth, Speed and Agility for Air Superiority 1991
101 B. Holder Unmanned Air Vehicles - An Illustrated Study of UAVs 2001
102 H.S. Wolko The Wright Flyer An Engineering Perspective 1987
103 L. Davis, D. Menard Republic F-105 Thunderchief 1998
104 B. Kinzey F-8 Crusader in detail & scale 1988
105 Y. Gordon, D. Komissarov Tupolev TU-22/TU-22M 2012
106 B. Sweetman, B. Gunston Soviet Air Power An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Warsaw Pact Air Forces Today 1978
107   Ilustrowana Encyklopedia Samolotów (po rosyjsku) 2001
108 G.R. Pape, J.M. Campbell Northrop Flying Wings A History of Jack Northrop's Visionary Aircraft 1995
109 L. Andersson Soviet Aircraft and Aviation 1917-1941 1994
110 Y. Gordon Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker Air Superiority Fighter 1999
111 A. Mladenov Soviet Cold War Fighters 2016
112 H. Smith The Illustrated Guide To Aerodynamics 1985
113 D. Mulready Advanced Engine Development at Pratt & Whitney 2001
114 V.P. Dawson Engines and Innovation - The NASA History Series 1991
115 B. Norton STOL Progenitors: The Technology Path to a Large STOL Aircraft and the C-17A 2002
116 R.A. Beaumont - editor Aeronautical Engineering - A Practical Guide for Everyone Connected With the Aircraft Industry 2005
117 L.M. Nicolai, G.E. Carichner AIAA ES: Fundamentals of Aircraft and Airship Design- vol.1 Aircraft Design 2010
118 J.D. Mattingly Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion 1996
119 F.O. Smetana AIAA ES: Flight Vehicle Performance and Aerodynamic Control 2001
120 G.C. Oates - editor AIAA ES: Aircraft Propulsion Systems Technology and Design 1989
121 M.E. Eshelby AIAA ES: Aircraft Performance: Theory and Practice 2000
122 D. Stinton AIAA ES: Flying Qualities and Flight Testing of the Airplane 1996
123 R.E. Ball AIAA ES: The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivalibility Analysis and Design 1985
124 S.K. Ojha AIAA ES: Flight Performance of Aircraft 1995
125 D.P. Raymer AIAA ES: Aircraft Design: A Concemptual Approach 1992
126 J. Seddon, E.L. Goldsmith AIAA ES: Intake Aerodynamics 1985
127 J.J. Bertin AIAA ES: Hypersonic Aerodynamics 1994
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