Attention! Payments

Payments for the failed courses in summer semester of academic year 2019/2020 (2020L) and winter semester of academic year 2020/2021 (2020Z - for the courses organized every semester).

In April 16, 2021 the system has activated the payments for the courses failed in summer semester 2020L and winter semester 2020Z - for the courses organized every semester.
The deadline for payments is April 30, 2021.
The payments for courses organized ONLY in the winter semester will be activated in September/October.
We would like all students to CHECK all the expected payments in the USOS system. In case of any doubts about them- please contact us via e-mail.
The applications for installments or payment cancelation (proven by the hard financial situation - documents) can be sent to Dean's office by e-mail. The deadline for such applications is April 27, 2021 and this term will not be prolonged.
The contact person for your questions is Mrs. Agnieszka Matejek on expected payments should be check in USOSWeb.
For students- settled  payments - accrualed payments  visible in the system- (here you can see the payments activated in April 16, 2021).
For students, who had received the special "lucky number" (szczęśliwy numerek) and they have the payments for the summer semester 2020L activated- the payment will be reduced for the amount of 170 PLN. You do not need to write in that matter to the Dean's office.
All the payments are visible in USOS Web for students - dla studentów-naliczenia.