Obligatory online placement test

English-Medium Studies

Polish students who started their studies in October 2014 and Foreign students who started their studies in October 2013 of the Faculty of Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering are asked to take an obligatory online placement test (open between 21.01.2015 and 13.02.2015) to enable the allocation to language groups at the appropriate level.

Taking the placement test is compulsory to all students of the 1st semester Polish students and 3rd semester Foreign students and is a condition of participation in language classes in summer semester.

For details and instructions please visit http://www.sjo.pw.edu.pl/index_en.php, and click on Online Placement Test.

Should you have any questions please contact the Foreign Language Course Coordinator at you Faculty: Olga Pławska olga.plawska@op.pl

A - how to log onto the e-learning platform

(the best search engine to do so is Google Chrome, Internet Explorer should work well as well; don’t use Firefox – you won’t be able to use certain functionalities)

1 - log onto the SJO website: www.sjo.pw.edu.pl, then on the logo “platforma SJO” in the right-hand, bottom side of the screen;

3 - as a user name(Polish: login) you key in the number of your student’s book, as a password (Polish: hasło)(the first time you log in): 111111 – make sure you accidentally don’t press “space” at the end of the user’s name or the password

4 - you need to change your password – your new password should have a small and a capital letter, a digit and a non-numerical sign (underscore, asterisk, question mark etc) write down the new password! (to be used when you log in next time)

5 - if there are any problems contact MoodleSupport@sjo.pw.edu.pl giving your name, surname, student’s book’s number, faculty and describing the problem you have with the platform

B- how to find the test

after logging in under the photo of bookshelves you’ll find a course called: (name of your faculty)_anglo (for example: meil_anglo); click on the name of the course and then on “Academic English Placement Test” and answer all the questions; don’t forget to save your answers at the end (click onto “submit all and finish”)