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Major procedures (links to dedicated pages):
- Procedures for diploma thesis (subject selection, registration, examination)
- Procedures for internships
- Payments account information
- Regulations for semesters registration
- Medical Examination for foreign students
Schedule of Procedures for the 2025L Semester
Authorization to Collect Documents from the Dean's Office by a Third Party
The authorization must be submitted personally at the Dean's Office. Copies/scans of the authorization will not be accepted.
Duplicate Student ID
In case of loss of the student ID or change of personal data, a general application (USOSWeb/For Students/Applications ePW) must be submitted.
The application must include proof of payment for the duplicate ID (33 PLN).
If the change involves updating the photo for the ID, a current photo in .jpg format (50KB, with a 2:2.5 aspect ratio, minimum size 300x375 pixels) must also be attached.
Registration for the Next Study Period, Leaves
The following applications must be completed through USOSWeb/For Students/Applications ePW.
Applications must be submitted within the deadlines provided in the semester calendar (does not apply to medical leave applications).
- application for registration for the next cycle (conditional registration, semester repetition),
- A conditional registration application can be submitted if the required credit threshold for registration to the next semester has not been met. Students who achieved the minimum points required for registration do not need to submit an application.
- A semester repetition application can be submitted by students in the final semester of their studies (7th for bachelor's, 3rd or 4th for master's). Two repetitions per study level are allowed.
- application to postpone the thesis submission deadline by 3 months,
- Eligible students must have completed all required courses (grades entered in USOS) except the Thesis Preparation course. For bachelor's studies, internship completion is also required to apply.
- application for medical leave,
- application for a discretionary or unconditional leave.
- A leave can be granted for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. Discretionary leave may be granted to students conducting an extra-curricular portion of studies at another university, undertaking an internship or work placement, documenting significant personal circumstances, or for other justified reasons. Unconditional leave may be granted upon request by a student who meets the full registration conditions for the second year of first-cycle studies or second semester of second-cycle studies. This leave may be granted only once during the studies and no later than 14 days from the semester's start. If the leave was granted for one semester, it may be extended for another semester.
ECTS thresholds are available here.
Recognition of Learning Outcomes
The completed table must be attached to the general application (USOSWeb/For Students/Applications ePW)
Transfers apply only to individuals currently enrolled as students and who have completed at least the first year of first-cycle studies or the first semester of second-cycle studies.
A student may be admitted to a given program, type, and level of studies conducted at the Faculty under the transfer procedure:
External transfer – for transfers from other universities, please contact the Admissions Office: https://www.bps.pw.edu.pl/Contact
Internal transfer:
- from another faculty of Warsaw University of Technology;
- from another program to a second program within the Faculty;
- within the same program (change of study mode).
Please review the following instructions:
Students of the MEiL Faculty should declare their intent to transfer through a general application (USOSWeb/For Students/Applications ePW). The application must include the name and code of the program to which they wish to transfer. Applications should be submitted once all grades are entered into the USOS system and the first year (first-cycle) / first semester (second-cycle) is fully completed.
Resumption of Studies
Conditions for resumption: Former students of the Faculty (Study Regulations, Section IV, §15) may apply for resumption of studies if they interrupted their studies after completing:
- at least the first year of first-cycle studies;
- the first semester of second-cycle studies.
- Submit a completed application to the Dean's Office (original required).
- The Dean's Office forwards the application to the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs for determination of resumption conditions.
- The Dean's Office opens a new application in USOSWeb (1000-RES) after setting the resumption conditions, uploads a scan of the application, and sends it to the applicant for approval.
- The applicant approves the conditions, pays the resumption fee, and returns the application to the Dean's Office.
- The Dean's Office records the resumption in the system and charges the fees. After payment confirmation, the student is enrolled in the designated courses.
- Once conditions are met, the Dean's Office prepares the resolution, which, after the Vice Dean's signature, is uploaded to the application and the process is closed.
Individual Project Registration
The Individual Project Registration form should be submitted to the secretariat of the division where the work is conducted.
Activated in the USOSWeb system
Withdrawal from Studies
Applications for withdrawal from studies should be submitted via USOSWeb/For Students/Applications ePW.
- After the application is submitted, a decision to remove the student from the student list is issued (USOSWeb).
- The student has 14 days to collect the decision. Uncollected documents are deemed "presumed delivered."
- The decision becomes final upon receipt or after 14 days.
- No appeal is allowed against this decision.
Removal from the Student List
§33 Study Regulations of Warsaw University of Technology
Administrative Procedure Code
- After student registration in the USOS system, those not registered for the next semester are notified of the initiation of administrative proceedings (USOSWeb).
- The student has 14 days to collect the notice. Uncollected documents are deemed "presumed delivered."
From the date of receipt or presumed delivery, the student has 7 days to submit comments, etc.
"Considering the above, I inform you that in accordance with Art. 10 § 1 and § 73 of the Administrative Procedure Code, within 7 days from the delivery of this notice, the party may review the case files, express opinions on the evidence and materials collected, and submit statements, demands, evidence, applications, and objections at the Faculty's address: ul. Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw." - If the Vice Dean considers the submitted comments positively, a decision to discontinue the removal procedure is issued (USOSWeb), and the student is registered for the next semester.
- If the Vice Dean considers the comments negatively or if the student does not respond to the notice within 7 days (from receipt or presumed delivery), a decision to remove the student from the student list is issued (USOSWeb).
- From the date of receipt or presumed delivery of the removal decision, the student has 14 days to appeal to the Rector (via an application in USOSWeb).
- If no appeal is submitted, the decision becomes final after this period.