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Information about student’s internship - first and second cycle studies
Faculty Coordinators of internship:
- dr inż. Wojciech Grendysa (field of study : Aerospace Engineering)
- dr inż. Andrzej Chmielniak (field of study: Robotics)
- dr inż. Jacek Szymczyk (field of study: Power Engineering/ Nuclear Power Engineering)
WUT-wide principles
Rector's Regulation No. 45/2021, dated May 21, 2021, implements the regulations of the organization and financing of compulsory student internships under the first- and second-cycle degree programs.
1. Rector’s ordinance
2. Regulations
Faculty wide principles
- The type, term and duration of the internship is defined by the study programme for each field of studies, taking into account the educational effects.
- The WUT’s students may take part in internships organized in Poland or abroad.
- The MEiL Faculty students are obliged to take part in, at least 4 weeks, internship during their Bachelor studies.
Field of studies | 1st cycle study | 2nd cycle study |
Robotics | obligatory ≥ 4 weeks | not obligatory |
Power Engineering | obligatory ≥ 4 weeks | not obligatory |
Aerospace Engineering | obligatory ≥ 4 weeks | the diploma internship recommended |
Mechanical Engineering | obligatory ≥ 4 weeks | not obligatory |
Documents required for the internship
- Before participation in the internship the student is obliged to read the “Internship Regulations”, which describe the rules of internship completion at the Faculty.
- Before starting the internship, the student is obliged to agree with the Faculty Coordinator for internship the place and terms of internships completion. After that the student must submit (send) to Mrs. Dorota Smukowska (dorota.smukowska@pw.edu.pl ) the following information
- The full name of the company with its address/postal code
- The terms of the internship
- Student’s data (name, surname, current address and year of studies).
- Student have the current NNW insurance bought at the Warsaw University of Technology or provided by his/her own.
- After completing the whole internship, the student is obliged to submit to the Dean’s Office the statement of completing the internship signed by the employer, the programme of the internship done in the indicated enterprise, the report of completing the internship and two attached questionnaires
After completing the internship, the student may apply for financial support regarding the costs of accommodation and transport to the indicated enterprise, if the place was situated in the distance farer than 50 km from the Warsaw University of Technology and the student’s permanent address.
The financial support for the current year is 321 PLN, however the student must deliver the bill/ invoice for the accommodation for the period of doing internship in accordance to the period indicated in the agreement.
The financial support regarding the student’s journey to the enterprise, covers only the journey to the place dated from internship beginning or one day earlier and the day of completing the internship or one day later.
Recognition of the internship for the professional work/employment
- The professional work/ employment or running an individual business can be recognised as the student’s internship according to the annex no. 1 to the Rector’s ordinance no. 45/2021 (regulamin).
The application for internship recognition as the professional work/employment (the form is on the Faculty website) should be addressed to Vice-Dean for Students Affairs, should be first submitted for the opinion of the Internship Supervisor at the Faculty and then, to the Dean Office.
The application should be accomplished with the description of completed tasks, their compatibility with the area of studies and with the statement about completed job or contract of employment (original for inspection and copy).
Other forms
Offers of internships
- design engineer a konstruntor b grafik v5 (58,47 kB, 26/01/2022 16:05)
- Firma Dacpol Sevice Sp. z o.o. (556,16 kB, 10/03/2021 11:08)
- Oferta praktyki zawodowej na wydziałowym lotnisku w Przasnyszu dla studentów kierunku Lotnictwo i Kosmonautyka
- Wybrane firmy, które oferują praktyki dla studentów kierunku automatyka i robotyka
- Wybrane firmy, które oferują praktyki dla studentów kierunku energetyka
- Wybrane firmy, które oferują praktyki dla studentów kierunku lotnictwo i kosmonautyka
- Wybrane firmy, które oferują praktyki dla studentów kierunku mechanika i projektowanie maszyn
- Fundacja Zabytki Polskiego Nieba, kontakt: Jacek Jaworski, jaworski@fzpn.org
- Letnia Baza Adeptów Techniki - oferty bezpłatnych praktyk dla uczniów i studentów:
- http://lotams.com/pl/kariera/praktyki
- Pytania dot. Letniej Akademii Adeptów Techniki należy kierować do Pani Elizy Ziółek, Młodszego Specjalisty ds. PR, tel. 536 360 555, eliza.ziolek@lotams.com
- informacje o dostępnych ofertach praktyk znajdują się w serwisie internetowym Biura Karier PW http://www.bk.pw.edu.pl
Useful links