
1. Topic selection

The list of thesis topics by Division can be found at this link

2. Registration of diploma theses

Students are obliged to register the main title of the thesis and the supervisor of the thesis through an electronic application in SharePoint:


This application serves as the electronic equivalent of the previously used “paper” form. This form is required to verify the compatibility of the thesis content with the study specialization. Students who have already submitted the “paper” version to the Division are also required to complete the registration through the electronic system.

The registration of the diploma title using this form is independent of the obligation to register the diploma thesis and diploma seminar in the USOS system. In the USOS system, the student declares only their intention to prepare the diploma thesis and indicates the Division where it will be completed.

Failure to register the main title using this form (and to obtain confirmation from the Supervisor and the Specialization Tutor) will result in the Dean’s decision not to admit the student to the diploma examination.

3. Diploma exam

Poniższe informacje dotyczą osób posiadających inne obywatelstwo. Dla obywateli polskich informacje na temat egzaminu dyplomowego znajdują się tutaj

Persons from the Dean's Office responsible for diploma examinations
Polish language studies: mgr Agnieszka Zgorzałek, agnieszka.zgorzalek@pw.edu.pl, tel. 22 234 5965
Studies in English and part-time studies: mgr Izabella Szulc, izabella.szulc@pw.edu.pl, tel. 22 234 5779

Current Defense Schedule (requires login to sharepoint): Obrony_MEiL_Aktualny_Harmonogram.pdf

Steps for diploma exam from 20.01.2025 to 24.01.2025 (for students on the extension of the thesis submission by 3 months)

Steps for diploma exam from 10.02.2025 to 14.02.2025 (for engineering students who want to continue their studies in a master's degree program)

Instructions for Students - what to do in USOS

Documents to be submitted

The documents maybe submitted to Dean’s Office from Monday to Friday (during the opening hours of the dean's office).

  • Mrs. Agnieszka Zgorzałek, room 127; phone: +48 22 234 59 66 - students of studies in Polish.
  • Mrs. Izabella Szulc, room 126, phone: +48 22 234 5779 - students of studies in English and the extra-mural studies.

Thesis secrecy

Resume for thesis defense

Requirements for the layout of the thesis 

Pegasus certificate

application/msword application for Pegasus (38,50 kB, 3/08/2021 10:42)

Graduate Examination Committee Secretaries

Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics

  • dr inż. Łukasz Lindstedt, e-mail: lukasz.lindstedt@pw.edu.pl, tel. 22 234 5316
  • dr inż. Paweł Wymysłowski, e-mail: pawel.wymyslowski@pw.edu.pl, tel. 22 234 5204

Institute of Heat Engineering

Framework schedule for diploma exams

February - Diploma exams are organized only for students who have completed the 1st cycle of studies, Bachelor's program, and who intend to continue their studies in the 2nd cycle, starting from the summer semester. The students of the 2nd cycle, Master's program, can also take the defense exam if they want to continue their studies in the 3rd cycle, PhD, and if they submit the documents confirming their plans. The foreigners whose visa expires at the end of February can also take the defense exam in February. The detailed schedule of exams will be published after December 15.

March - after the winter semester, any student who is ready can take the defense exam. The detailed exam schedule is published at the end of January.

June - this term is available for students who have the 3-month extension for submitting the thesis and for those who have completed the entire study program. The detailed exam schedule is published at the end of April.

September - the diploma exams are organized only for the students who finished the 1st cycle of studies, Bachelor's program, and who want to continue their studies in the 2nd cycle starting from the winter semester. The students of the 2nd cycle, Master's program, can also take the defense exam if they want to continue their studies in the 3rd cycle, PhD, and if they submit the documents confirming their plans. The foreigners whose visa expires at the end of September can also take the defense exam in September. The detailed schedule of exams will be published after July 1.

October - After the summer semester, any student who is ready can take the defense exam. The detailed examination schedule is published at the end of August.

December - this period is available for students who have the 3-month extension for submitting the thesis and for those who have completed the entire program. The detailed examination schedule is published in mid-November.

Diploma exam questions